The first thing you need to do before trying to figure out women, is to meet one! Are you interested in finding the lifelong, romantic partner of your dreams? Are you interested in something casual? Decide who you want to meet and what kind of a relationship you’re ready for. Once you’ve met a woman, some of the tips below might help you!
While there is a stereotype that men and women are wildly different creatures, the truth is that both men and women fall somewhere along the gradient of simple to complex, depending on how they were raised, their overall personalities, and whether or not they’ve had a bad day! One thing we can all agree on, is that men and women in general have differences other than the obvious anatomical ones.
There is no such thing as a guidebook to a woman (though we all wish there was), but maybe some of these pointers will help you out.
The way you make her feel is more important than the things you say
You can tell her she is the loveliest creature on the planet on a daily basis, but if you don’t make her feel it, you words will have little impact. Often, what you do can matter more than what comes out of your mouth. We all know actions speak louder than words. She knows it too!
She sees things from a different angle
Much of the time women read more into your words, body language and actions than you would expect. Whether the conclusions they arrive at are correct is often debatable, just being aware of this can keep you out of a lot of trouble and sometimes you can even use it to your advantage!
She’s likely emotionally more intelligent then you
Women often articulate their ideas and opinions better and more frequently then men. Sometimes, a woman’s emotions will influence her actions more than a man’s would for him. Depending on the woman you’re talking to you might want to be more expressive about your emotions. Often, women will feel closer to men like this, as they feel you understand them better. However, this you need to be careful that they still see you a potential partner and not just as a friend. Other women prefer their potential partner to be more traditional men, the strong, silent type.
What do women want?
Often men find it difficult to keep pace with the variable and seemingly conflicting needs of women.

- When to do you treat them as equals, and when do you treat them as ladies, to be protected and cared for?
- When do you listen and nod your head without providing advice or solutions, and when do you leap into action to make things better?
- When do you shower them with love, adoration and affection, and when do play it cool?
- How do you answer seemingly simple questions (ie do I look fat in this dress?)
These are questions that are entirely dependent on the situation and the woman in question. In fact there are very popular and effective courses to teach you the best ways to be successful with the ladies. Whether or not you decide to invest in learning more about the fairer sex, there are some things that women find universally attractive.There are some things, however, that all women find attractive.
Confidence – All women want is a man who is comfortable with who he is, who’s happy and self-assured. So how do you show a woman that you’re confident?
- Look them in the eye – Eye contact is key to show you are focused and interested. It might also help you to keep your eyes off other distracting bit of the female anatomy.
If you’re single in Zurich it doesn’t hurt to be well dressed to make a good impression Dress well – When you look good, you feel good about yourself. When you feel good about yourself you radiate confidence. Women will respond. You don’t have to break the bank, but you’ll want to slowly build your wardrobe, investing in quality articles of clothing that are versatile and make you look good!
- Oral Hygiene – No woman wants to date the guy with bad breath. Brush your teeth and tongue at least three times a day. Floss. Chew a breath freshening gum after the garlic, onion and limburger cheese sandwich.
Don’t be the smelly guy that no one wants to date in Zurich!! Smell good – Most women have a better sense of smell than most men, which is hardwired into their sense of attraction. They will associate men with a distinctive (hopefully positive smell). Heavy body odor does not count. Bathe every day, preferably in the morning, and before you go on a date. Use an antiperspirant. Buy a good cologne or body spray that compliments your natural scent. Don’t use too much!
- Facial hair – Clean shaven is good, stubble is fine if it’s nice and tidy, as is a beard. Scraggly, unkempt hair that has last weeks breakfast caught in it is unlikely to impress any woman. Try different things and see what works best; facial hair grows back quick so it won’t take you too long to figure out what is effective. Find some women who are your friends to give you feedback on what looks good, or what might look better.
- Speak clearly and confidently – Don’t mumble. Don’t mutter. Don’t shout. Don’t slur drunkenly.Don’t speak with your mouthful. Don’t look at your shoes when you’re talking. Look at her, think before you open your mouth (so you don’t say something stupid) and enunciate.
- Break the touch barrier – You don’t want to be grabby, or lecherous, but you do want her to know you’re interested. Playful, non-sexual touching will show her you’re interested in being more than her friend, and provide her with an opportunity to respond. Touch her arm when talking, give her a hug goodbye and dance with her (if you can dance).

- Ask questions – You don’t want to dominate the conversation, nor do you want to let it lag. The easiest way to do this is to ask questions about the things she is saying. This allows you to steer the conversation, to areas where you are knowledgeable so that you can contribute comfortably. Remember the things she’s saying, they will be useful later!
- Be decisive – The inability to make decisions, whether its selecting from a restaurant menu or choosing a movie will show a lack of confidence. Think ahead and know the answer to the question ‘what do you want to do‘ when it comes up. It doesn’t have to actually be something you want to do (it can be something that she will like) but the fact you could make up your mind will impress her.